Best places for Afternoon Tea in Gloucestershire

The best places to enjoy afternoon tea in Gloucestershire are revealed and Orla Kiely shares her advice for tackling the jam-before-or-after-cream debate!

The 8th of August kicks off National Afternoon Tea Week - a time to celebrate what we Brits are known for. Think rich tea, bite-sized treats and of course- scones!

Just in time for next week, 2022’s best spots for afternoon tea in Gloucestershire have been revealed, with Swan House Tea Room topping the list. Determined by TripAdvisor reviews, the best places to celebrate National Afternoon Tea Week in Gloucestershire are:

Whether you’re the Mary Berry of your street, or you’re relying on the shops for your cakes, Designer, Orla Kiely, believes you can still host a beautiful afternoon tea;

“A big part of afternoon tea is the aesthetic, especially if you’re not comfortable in the kitchen” says Orla. “It’s a time to serve on your best tableware out and make an occasion out of this delightful British tradition.”

“I love to use bright coloured plates, saucers and accessories during afternoon tea- I see it as a time to celebrate good food and good friends, and nobody wants to celebrate with dull colours!”

Orla’s homeware collection boasts a range of colourful tea-time ceramics, adorned with her signature stem leaf and block flower print.

“Afternoon tea wouldn’t be complete without a pot of delicious, warm tea to have with your cakes. I suggest brewing your tea before your guests arrive, so you can greet them with a pot. I use a tea cosy, as it keeps your teapot warmer for longer - meaning that less of your time is spent making tea and more of it is spent socialising.”

Orla has also given her solution to the great jam-before-or-after-cream debate:

“The jam and cream debate is something that occurs at most afternoon tea parties and can lead to heated conversations! I suggest leaving the guests to their own preferences by placing the jam and cream into serving dishes and allowing guests to assemble their scones to their own liking”

Orla Kiely’s range of afternoon tea essentials are available online from