Carbon Chronicles

“Rather than a shop-bought treat, homemade can save up to 73% on carbon emissions.  ”

Sharing practical and easy ideas to reduce my carbon impact on the planet, one month at a time. 

Is this a good time to talk about food? Last year I was responsible for 1.4 tonnes of carbon emissions, all from buying food.  Unfortunately, one of my favourite pastimes – cooking food and eating it – is also one of the bigger contributors to the volume of greenhouse gases I emit. If I want to cut my emissions, I need to look at my buying habits and change them for the better. 

I would love to say I only shop locally, and with provenance in mind, but it’s wishful thinking. The reality is often a dash into the supermarket after work; eco-fatigue losing to eco-anxiety as I chuck stuff in the trolley that meets mama’s need for speed and convenience.  I desperately want to nourish myself, my kids and the planet, but to be frank, I don’t always have the time. The good news is, despite the competing needs of myself and the planet there are things I can do: 



Finally, a plea please!  A directory of local farmers, suppliers and producers would be so helpful. So much is being done by organisations like FarmEd [] to make us aware of how food is produced but still there’s room for much more clear signposting to make the weekly shop easier.