Chhaya Collective present


“Not neat, nor calm, nor perfect, but vibrant, chaotic and powerful – we are wild 21st century women. We are not to be gazed upon but met head on.”

7:30pm Thursday 10th March 2022

A double bill of two extraordinary dance pieces by female-led dance company Chhaya Collective, sharing real-life stories of women in the 21 st century.

“A work of stirring beauty and strength” – Barbican Theatre on HYMNOS

HYMNOS is inspired by the story of Iranian artist and friend Saba Zavarei and her online platform Radio Khiaban, dedicated to Iranian women singing in the public spaces of Iran, an act currently forbidden by the state.

“Fortunately, no matter how many times she is pushed down, she bounds up again. No matter how many times she is forbidden, quelled, cut back, diluted … she emanates upward in women, so that even the most quiet, even the most restrained woman keeps a secret place for Wild Woman. Even the most captured woman guards the place of the wildish self, for she knows intuitively that someday there will be a loophole, an aperture, a chance, and she will hightail it to escape.” ― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, ‘Women Who Run With the Wolves’

KHAOS celebrates what it is to be woman, drawing on ancient stories and oppressive archetypes to bring audiences of all ages a highly energetic, stirring and visceral dance performance that rejects order in favour of complexity and chaos.

Not neat, nor calm, nor perfect, but vibrant, chaotic and powerful – we are wild 21st century
women. We are not to be gazed upon but met head on.

Live musicians join six contemporary dance artists to revel in the joy, tenderness and the power of wild women. Expect evocative choreography that seems to compel you to dance in the aisles and out into the streets.

Tickets £16

The Mill Arts Centre, Spiceball Park Road, Banbury OX16 5QE

Booking here