Put on a Zoom Play In A Week

15 - 19 February

“A week of digital fun.”

In just two weeks' time, our digital School of Creativity will be throwing open its doors for another week of Put on a Zoom Play in a Week workshops!

Our groups will spend five days creating their own digital play, which they'll perform live on Zoom to friends and family at the end of the week. The theme this half term is Love & Friendship, so look out for star-crossed lovers and bands of Merry Men in our week of adventures through some of literature's most famous romances and lasting friendships.

All workshops are delivered live over Zoom daily by professional actors and theatre-makers, and are accompanied by exclusive extra videos and activitiesfrom our School of Creativity website.

SPRITES (ages 5-10)

Put on a Zoom Play in a Week | 10am - 12pm | 15-19 Feb | BOOK NOW

MECHANICALS (ages 11-16)

Put on a Zoom Play in a Week | 12pm - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm | 15-19 Feb | BOOK NOW

Our workshops are all about encouraging creativity, confidence and inter-personal connection, and bring together young theatre-lovers from all over the world for a week of digital fun.