Tray Chic

Artichoke Risotto

“Artichokes of all shapes and sizes are abundant right now.”

The Tray Chic series comes to us from Thyme; a rural idyll which offers a place to pause for thought. A bucolic retreat of rooms, luxury and rest, offering a range of workshops, treatments, events, and some of the most delicious food in the county at the Ox Barn. 

Each month Head Chef, Charlie, shares a simple seasonal recipe, shown on a tray styled by sister, Milly in Bertioli by Thyme linen –designed by Thyme’s founder, Caryn.

Charlie Hibbert’s Artichoke Risotto

Risotto is the perfect vehicle for seasonal veg. Artichokes of all shapes and sizes are abundant right now. I’ve prepped more than you’ll need, but recommend freezing the extra and warming it through later in the year when artichokes are a fond memory – it’ll revive your summer senses.

Serves 4-6


Method :


With this collaborative collection, we’ve brought together Bell Hutley’s and my mother Caryn’s distinctive illustrations to celebrate pollinators and their relationships with plantlife in the natural world, highlighting just how intricate, well-balanced and fragile the nexus of nature is. This tray is perfect balanced on your knee whilst tucking into Attenborough’s Life in the Undergrowth.

Thyme’s Happenings - Milly Hibbert

Our Calendar of Happenings is a bustling array of cookery classes, workshops and talks. This month, we are kicking off with a Vigour & Skills residency over the 1-3 July – a weekend of shopping and workshops with inspiring craftspeople. That weekend, the Ox Barn will run a special Kadai menu, featuring BBQ-style favourites and fresh garden salads.

Our Wellness Wednesdays (a new morning series combining a workshop, breakfast and talk with pioneering experts) continues with Rapid Tapping practitioner Poppy Delbridge on Wednesday, 13 July. Oh, and our pub, the Swan in Southrop ( is finally reopening its doors with a new look and new menu.