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5 Alternative Ways to Use Hair Straighteners

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Hair straighteners are not just for achieving sleek, straight locks. These versatile tools can create a variety of stylish looks, making them a must-have in your beauty arsenal. A quality set of hair straighteners can transform hair textures and styles and allow hairdressers to explore creative styling options.

Here are five alternative ways professionals can use hair straighteners to widen their services and broaden their skills. When using these techniques, always remember to apply a heat protectant to the hair to maintain its health and vitality.

Beach Waves

To create beach waves with a straightener, clamp the hair at an angle and twist the straightener away from the face, alternating directions with each section. This technique produces a relaxed, tousled look that mimics the effortless waves one might get from a day at the beach.

This gentle ‘S’ shape of this hairstyle gives off a cool, relaxed look that is perfect for showcasing the shine and colour of a client’s hair. You can add more texture with a healthy spray of dry shampoo.

Vintage Glamour

Achieve vintage glamour curls by using your straightener as a curler. The fluffy curls make for a sophisticated hairstyle for weddings and evening events. The key here is to ensure the curls are uniform to capture that classic old Hollywood style.

Wrap a half-inch section of hair around the heated panel and hold it in place for around five to 10 seconds to create a smooth, polished curl. You’ll need to utilise hair-prong clips for vintage ringlets. Following the curve of the curl, pin the hair to your client’s head and secure it with hairspray.

Messy Volume

For adding volume with a bit of messiness, use the straightener to create slight bends in the hair by twisting it in different directions as you move from roots to ends. This method is suited for a more casual, voluminous look that doesn’t require the precision of traditional curling methods. Run your hands through the curls afterwards to give a voluminous lift.

Styled Ponytail

The power ponytail is a great way to upgrade an everyday look. You can use hair straighteners to eliminate frizz and make the top of the ponytail appear sleeker.

First, pull the hair back into a ponytail. Then, take sections of the ponytail and straighten for sleekness or create waves or curls for a more textured look. This simple trick elevates a basic ponytail into a more refined or playful style depending on the occasion.

Soft Curls

To form soft curls, start by twisting your section of hair and then run the straightener over this twist. The heat moulds the hair into gentle waves that are softer and more natural-looking than typical curls, perfect for a subtle, elegant appearance.


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