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Fashion and Beauty, Beauty

Angela's Story

“Angela now helps hundreds of women with their skincare choices, many of which are looking for a natural alternative to the mega brands that they may have used in the past”
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Angela's story for launching her own range of natural and organic skincare was rather unusual. There wasn't anyone with super sensitive skin, or acute eczema Angela wanted to cure. Rather, it was a little more selfish than that!

Working in Gibraltar in the world of online gambling of all things, Angela was made redundant and had time on her hands. Living in Spain, she did not have access to many things that we take for granted in the UK - one of which was access to good skincare. Angela's favourite brands of skincare were simply not available to her, so she decided to do what most people wouldn't - she would make her own!

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softening and smoothing cleansing balm, chamomile, apricot and almond


Being a passionate and talented cook, her reasoning was that it seemed not unreasonable that creating skincare products is very similar to creating recipes - after all, making skincare products includes using the best ingredients you can find, that are heated or emulsified or folded into each other (albeit a bit more scientific than that), to end up with a product that is good for you.

And so Angela embarked on a journey that would see her being taught skincare production by the best in the business, travelling back and forth to the UK to complete her studies. What was originally just a hobby to supply some creams and oils to herself and her immediate family, it quickly escalated to friends and friends of friends - to a point where the original Angela Langford brand was born.

As word got out, more and more people plugged in to Angela's ethos and, five years on from launching, Angela now helps hundreds of women with their skincare choices, many of which are looking for a natural alternative to the mega brands that they may have used in the past.


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About a Look: Get Sporty

Get kitted up for a summer of sport like no other

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