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Fashion and Beauty, Fashion

Finishing Touches: Best of British Accessories


In keeping with the theme of our April issue, we’re celebrating the best of British accessories.

What could be more English than an umbrella? Fulton have been making umbrellas since 1956, originally in a small factory in Whitechapel, London. Holders of a Royal Warrant, their latest range is the Eco Planet collection which includes this Beehive design.


Princes Street is Edinburgh’s main shopping thoroughfare so it seems particularly fitting that OX favourites, luxury leather goods designer, Strathberry. have given its name to this cute purse, used in their current collection.

From £125

Sara O’Neill creates Éadach’s dreamy handmade prints from the Causeway coast. She has taken inspiration from Irish myths and legends for this exquisite silk pocket square: The Children of Lir This fable tells the tale of an ancient King, Lir, whose daughters were turned into swans by his jealous second wife.

£65 or £95 including customisation kit.

Who doesn’t love a good cwtch? The welsh word for cuddle is immortalised in perspex by Cardiff-based jewellery makers,


Let’s not forget our canine companions – Barbour’s iconic waxed jacket (the epitome of British bucolic living) is also available for your best-dressed doggy friend.

From £39.99


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Wed 17 Jul 2024

“TikTok made me buy it” has to be one of the most searched-for phrases on the internet, and for good reason. What started as a platform for dance challenges has transformed into a global powerhouse of beauty trends and product recommendations.

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Mon 15 Jul 2024

Spending so much time outdoors encourages me to invest in my ‘garden furniture’. I dream of adding the Grand Cosimo Vase with its lion feet to my outdoor collection. £1,995

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Mon 1 Jul 2024

For some years the concept of biophilia has been something of a buzzword in design circles, most often used in reference to architecture and more latterly, interiors. Put simply, it is a term used to describe the human tendency to interact or be close nature and its other forms of life.

Mon 1 Jul 2024

About a Look: Get Sporty

Get kitted up for a summer of sport like no other

Teenagers Honor and Cat got fed up with the lack of clothing for women and girls playing cricket so they launched their own range, Maiden. No more hand-me-downs from big brothers, this is sportswear