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Glen Matlock Studio Album Coming Soon

Glen Matlock

Sex Pistols bassist and Rock Hall Of Fame inductee Glen Matlock has inked a new worldwide deal with Cooking Vinyl, which will see the label release Glen’s long-awaited, timely and politically pertinent new solo album Consequences Coming on April 27, 2023

Matlock’s new deal with Cooking Vinyl will additionally see the label re-release two of his previous solo albums: 2010’s Born Running, and 2018’s critically acclaimed Good To Go.

On 27th January fans can hear the first single from the new album “Head On A Stick” on all digital music platforms, and can watch the video for the song here:

His persona these days may be that of a stylish rock gent, but as always the former icon of punk remains politically passionate. This album is nothing short of Glens call to arms to tackle this current diabolical period of governance. Says Matlock on the “Head On A Stick” single, “Peeved at the predictable but ultimately pointless political lurch to the right that has happened in the West over the past few years, one which has been aided and abetted by the vested interests of a client press, I put pen to paper and plectrum to guitar to compose a song that’s a call to arms, a wake up alarm and primal open your eyes scream.”

Glen continues, “It might be easy to be wise after the event but some saw where we were headed and in the words of ‘Pete Seeger’ attempted to hammer out a warning.”

We always thought it can’t happen here but it sadly most definitely has and heads should justifiably roll…”

A music video for the track is now available online. “The video was shot on the fly one afternoon in between touring dates with Blondie in the UK.” states Matlock. “The guys who play on the forthcoming album all jumped at the chance to back me up in the video, and help get this pertinent point across about the parlous state of our present position.”

Set to be released on April 27, 2023, the new full-length studio album Consequences Coming will be made available in Digital and specially packaged CD format. The vinyl format is being made available with a limited edition signed artprint. PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE HERE:

“The album was written and recorded in Britain over the last 18 months or so with a posse of seasoned but on point performers.” says Matlock. “All done during the debacle that is Brexit and the rise and fall of the turgid Trump episode in the US. These songs reflect my take on the whole sorry mess that has ensued.”

Matlock elaborates on the album, “Now the wheels of the music business can sometimes move at a lugubrious, glacial pace, and sometimes the moment might be lost but seeing no break in the clouds or clear light at the end of the tunnel, surely the only demand on people’s lips should be that there are ‘Consequences Coming’ for the fat headed oafs who have foisted their asinine warped sensibilities on us.”

“The tunes are pretty catchy too…”


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