Henley–On–Thames Celebrates Moon Landing

50 years ago at 9.17pm on 20th July 1969 science fiction came face to face with science fact, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land on another celestial body and Henley-On-Thames will be marking the exact date and time of the Moon landing:

Saturday 20th July 2019

Market Place, Henley On Thames

19.00 to 19.45 – Holsts ‘ The Planets’

19.45 to 22.15 – Audio – Video Event

Entrance Free. Voluntarily donations in support of Gillotts School

From 19.00 bring your own chairs to market Place and settle in for an evening of NASA film and sound archives on a giant LED screen with commentary from a former NASA Apollo scientist to relive:

Student ‘Moon Lander’ science prize awards at exactly 9.17pm