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International Day of Happiness

Root Steady Yoga

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“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration” - Nikola Tesla

Break everything down into its simplest form and you will find that it is purely energy, frequency and vibration. The material world, the body we live in, the food we eat and the phones in our hands are nothing more than atoms vibrating at a certain frequency. These vibrations cycles are always changing, adjusting, amplitudes varying but one thing is constant – the switching of poles from positive to negative.

What would happiness be without sadness?

The switching from positive to negative is present in the life we live and everyone is going through the same experience. Our emotions change all of the time. So don’t feel like you’re the only one to experience low moments. Remember, on the outside, people generally give you the best version of themselves yet on the inside we are all riding on the same emotional rollercoaster of life.

Social media is a great example of this, it is often an electronic world of fake smiles, filtered and edited images and captions that are so far from the truth. This produces a false picture of an over-positive life over which people often get jealous and down. Don’t be fooled, social media is not the real world.

No one walks through life like their gliding along a tightrope, never losing balance, slipping up and over to the right or left side – that’s a pretty unrealistic view of the human experience.

Aiming for emotional balance is great and necessary, but knowing that you’re going to slip up and over quite a few times along the way is very important.

Truth is you’re not supposed to be happy all the time. Would the concept of being happy even exist if sadness didn’t?

There are lots of things you can do to increase your mood and happiness. Move your body, do some yoga, breath conscious breaths, eat healthy food, read, write, meditate, spend time with friends, enjoy the naughty things moderately and keep moderation moderate. There’s an endless list of things that will elevate your mood, just as there are many things that will do the opposite.

So, don’t be upset or shocked and allow yourself to get into a worse emotional state than you already are because you don’t like the way you’re currently feeling. Rather than getting yourself down for feeling low, try to observe how you’re feeling, perhaps ask yourself why you’re feeling this way and see what positives you can take from this moment. These are perfect times to use the tools and techniques available to you, to bring yourself back into the moment and be the observer of your emotions rather than the victim. Simply taking six conscious cycles of breath has been proven to change your state of mind and bring you back to the centre.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Yeah, well, it’s not. It’s challenging and takes some discipline. But it does help. It really does. Being completely in the moment is like walking along that tightrope and the more you practice bringing yourself into the moment and not allowing yourself to get sucked into the ups and downs, the longer you’ll be able to walk across it. So be kind to yourself the next time you’re feeling low and know that nothing is permanent, this low phase won’t stick around for long. Take a deep breath. It will pass.

And as for the high times, you can thank all the positive things you do for yourself for these, and the low times get a little credit too. Just with the lows, the highs won’t be around forever, so submerge yourself in them and love them, look around and embrace just how beautiful they are. | | Insta: @rootsteadyyoga


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