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Double or Triple Glazing

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With energy efficiency one of the most important things homeowners must consider when it comes to replacing their windows, Steve Rawding, Sales and Marketing Director at leading home improvement company SEH BAC, discusses whether you should choose triple or double glazing.

For decades, double glazing has been the norm whenever choosing replacement windows. With around a quarter of household heat escaping via the windows, it’s no surprise that an additional pain of glass proved so popular. With triple glazing going one better, and increased energy efficiency a major consideration both today and in the future, deciding between the two is now a decision the homeowner must make.

With a third pane of glass, it stands to reason that energy efficiency is increased and there is no question that triple-glazed windows can achieve the better U-values – as low as 0.8W/m2.K compared to around 1.4W/m2.K on a standard double-glazed window. And increased energy efficiency will help you bring down the amount you spend on your energy bill and lower your carbon footprint. But this does not mean that double glazing should be confined to history just yet; far from it, in fact. There are double glazing window options that offer excellent U-values, and it is cheaper than triple glazing.

Essentially, it comes down to your needs and your budget. If your home is in a very exposed location, triple-glazed windows may make sense, and they will ultimately save you more money over time. If not, do you want to spend more for a little less heat loss when a high performing double glazed window can do a similar job?

For more infomation,

call 0800 666 444 or visit


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