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Health, Knowledge

Smart Ageing Summit, Oxford 2023


The first Smart Ageing Summit took place in Oxford this August, which brought together experts from across the globe discuss the latest breakthroughs around healthy aging and longevity.

They met in the historic setting of the University of Oxford’s Keble College. The event, which was from non-profit organisation the Oxford Longevity Project, brought together internationally-recognised scientists and clinicians, and longevity experts who have been featured in The Guardian, The Times, and Healthline.

Speakers included academic and former Warden of Keble College, Sir Christopher Ball; Oxford University Professor Emeritus of Physiology, Denis Noble; Ex Team GB Triathlete and Longevity Doctor Dr Tasmin Lewis; Celebrity Longevity Doctor and Founding Trustee of the British College for Functional Medicine, Dr Olivia Ly Lesslar; Director of Ageing Research at King’s College London, Dr Richard Siow; Oxford GP and Cancer Immunologist, Dr Paul Ch’en; Oxford University Emeritus Professor of Physiological Biochemistry and CEO of Oxford spinout, deltaG, Kieran Clarke, and Oxford University Immunologist and CEO of preventative medicine start-up, Added Health, Dr Michael Stein.

Attendees learnt from the experts on the latest ‘A-Lister’ anti-ageing protocols; holistic health for age-related diseases and longevity; and the dangers about weight loss drugs, such as the popular Ozempic, about which Dr Richard Stein spoke: "Do we think that an injectable, a weekly injectable, is going to inject us out of this problem? And I would argue it is not. The important message to keep in mind is, this is a powerful regulator. It's mimicking the factors of a hormone called glucagon, which we all are producing all the time. And the industry has very cleverly created a small molecule and changed its chemistry to be much more persistent in your body, unlike glucagon, which is rapidly cleared.

The side effect – which is also part of its maximum action – is two other things. One, is it is a central appetite suppressant – which is why most of us think, Well, that's a great idea! And the second one is not so great; it delays gastric emptying, which is why you tend to eat smaller meals when you take these meds or get the injection. Now that's a significant problem because we know that with the injectable, most people suffer initially with severe or moderate to severe gastrointestinal side effects because of that delayed gastric emptying, not surprisingly people get constipated, get nausea or vomit, etc. We've no idea what the long-term side effects of these drugs are going to be.”

Sir Christopher Ball shared his wisdom on long life: “I aim to live to 100 plus and here’s what you can do: remember the first five letters of the alphabet A B, C, D and E. A is avoidance (avoid the temptations of smoking and drinking alcohol and unprotected exposure to sunlight.) B is breathing (breathe slowly through your nose outside in the fresh air for five minutes each morning.) C stands for cold showers for two minutes a day, D is for plant-based diet, and E is exercise.

Eat broccoli to delay the onset of cancer and adopt a regular bedtime routine. Respect your circadian rhythm and climb the stairs. Avoid lifts and escalators. Don't drive but walk instead, or run, for the bus. Eliminate bad stress and enjoy a good life- live into the future not out of the past. And remember that while genetics may load the gun, it is our choices. But we fire the bullets. Choose wisely.”

Leslie Kenny, Co-Founder of The Oxford Longevity Project commented,We all know that connecting with our tribe and living in vibrant communities is one of the keys to longer, healthier lives. It was amazing to bring together this group of leading researchers and practitioners in such a brilliant setting of an Oxford college and we look forward to continuing the tradition with future networking events on the science of ageing”.

The event was sponsored by Oxford Healthspan,


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